For Saint Alphonsus Patients & Visitors

Whether you're a patient or a visitor, we want your stay at Saint Alphonsus to be as comfortable as possible. That's why we offer a variety of helpful patient resources and a wide range of hospital visitor information at our hospitals. In addition, you’ll find a number of hospital resources online to help you find the care, tools and information you need to make the most of our services.
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Recognize Your Care Provider
Saint Alphonsus is proud to honor the caregivers who make a difference in the health and well-being of our patients with two awards. The Shining Star program offers patients, family members, staff and volunteers the opportunity to recognize excellent service and care provided throughout our Health System. Use this online form to share your story and acknowledge any colleague working in any capacity that made a difference in your experience at Saint Alphonsus. The DAISY (Diseases Attacking the Immune System) Award is an international recognition program that honors and celebrates the skillful, compassionate care nurses provide every day.
If you or a loved one recently received exceptional care - we'd love to hear about it! To recognize a nurse, click on the DAISY Award. For all other care providers, click on the Shining Star.
Reconozca a su proveedor de atención médica
Saint Alphonsus se enorgullece de honrar a los cuidadores que marcan la diferencia en la salud y el bienestar de nuestros pacientes con dos premios. El programa Shining Star (Estrella Brillante) ofrece a los pacientes, familiares, personal y voluntarios la oportunidad de reconocer el excelente servicio y la atención brindada en todo nuestro Sistema de Salud. Utilice este formulario en línea para compartir su historia y reconocer a cualquier colega que trabaje en cualquier capacidad que marcó la diferencia en su experiencia en Saint Alphonsus. El premio DAISY (Enfermedades que atacan el sistema inmunológico) es un programa de reconocimiento internacional que honra y celebra la atención hábil y compasiva que brindan las enfermeras todos los días.
Si usted o un ser querido recibieron recientemente una atención excepcional, ¡nos encantaría saberlo! Para reconocer a una enfermera, haga clic en premio DAISY. Para todos los demás proveedores, haga clic en Shining Star (Estrella Brillante).