Decorate a Tree or Wreath

Donate a Decorated Tree
Our decorated trees are the heart and soul of the Festival of Trees event! Any organization or individual has the option to become a tree sponsor and donate a decorated tree. Your investment in the bare tree (ranging from $250 - $400) and its decorations is your donation to the Festival of Trees; there is no additional entry fee. Your decorated tree will be showcased to Festival visitors and available for purchase in person at the event and online through our auction site.
Tree Sponsors may design trees to be as creative or simple as desired. It is a great opportunity to partner with a school, business, organization, or service group and work as a team to decorate a tree in this community festival. Trees may be ordered from the Festival "menu" of trees. Your bare tree will be set up and ready for you and your team to decorate on Sunday, November 24 and Monday, November 25. Sponsors and decorators are strongly encouraged to attend our online Decorating Clinic to be held in the fall.
Donate a Decorated Wreath, Tabletop Tree or Holiday Décor Item
Each year the Festival of Trees features hundreds of wreaths, tabletop trees and holiday decor items decorated and donated by schools, businesses, amateur decorators, hospital staff and more. Your investment in the piece and its decorations are your donation to the Festival of Trees; there is no additional entry fee. Your item will be showcased to Festival visitors and available for purchase in person at the event or online through our auction site.
For more information, please contact Launa Felton, Wreath Chair via email or at 208-830-7242.
Sign up to donate a wreath, tabletop tree, or holiday décor item