Sponsorship Options

We couldn't have the Festival of Trees without our sponsors! There is a variety of opportunities available to meet your budget and to ensure you are recognized for your generosity. Your support saves lives and brings the holiday season to life.
All Sponsors will receive:
- Custom signage at the Festival indicating sponsorship (exposure to more than 20,000 attendees).
- Listing in the event program.
- Recognition on Saint Alphonsus website.
- Listing on our annual donor wall located in the lobby of Saint Alphonsus.
- The satisfaction of knowing that your contribution is helping build the future of healthcare in your community.
If you are interested in a sponsorship, please contact Rachel Flachbart via email or phone at (208) 367-5659 or click here.
- Verbal recognition from stage at the Gala.
- Premier seating for 10 at the black-tie Gala with table signage acknowledging your support.
- Premier seating for 10 at the Festival Fashion Show.
- 20 VIP admission tickets to the Festival to share with family, friends, staff, clients and customers.
- Logo in event program.
- A pre-lit tree.
- Prominent placement of your tree in the front lobby with custom signage for duration of 7-day event.
- Special delivery of tree to your preferred address.
- Verbal recognition from the stage at the Gala.
- Logo in the event program.
- Premier seating for 10 at the black-tie Gala with table signage acknowledging your support.
- 20 VIP admission tickets to the Festival to share with family, friends, staff, clients and customers.
- Premier seating for 10 at the black-tie Gala with table signage acknowledging your support.
- 10 VIP admission tickets to the Festival to share with family, friends, staff, clients and customers.
- Logo in event program.
- A pre-lit tree.
- Prominent placement of your tree in the front lobby with custom signage for duration of 7-day event.
- Special delivery of tree to your preferred address.
- Premier seating for 4 at the black-tie Gala.
- 10 VIP admission tickets to the Festival to share with family, friends, staff, clients or customers.
- Logo in event program.
- Plus your choice of:
- A pre-lit tree and prominent placement of your tree in the front lobby with customized signage.
- Special recognition on a beautiful lit wreath prominently displayed in the lobby.
- Premier seating for 10 at the black-tie Gala with table signage acknowledging your support.
- Listing as a Majestic Table Sponsor in our event program.
- Receive 4 reserved seats at the black-tie Gala.
- Special recognition on beautiful star ornament prominently displayed in the main ballroom at the Festival.
- Listing in event program.
- Receive 2 reserved seats at the black-tie Gala.
- Custom signage on angel displayed in the main ballroom at the Festival.
- Listing in event program.
- Custom signage on angel displayed in main ballroom at Festival
- Listing in event program
- Pay it forward with this sponsorship! You will receive 75 admission tickets to the Festival of Trees public exhibition branded with your logo to distribute to whomever you choose.
- Listing in event program.
Recognition on signage in the main lobby.
- Recognition on special signage locatied next to the Friends of the Foundation tree.
Receive 10 VIP admission tickets to the Festival to share with family, friends, staff, clients and customers; and custom signage next to your tree. Your tree will be showcased to Festival visitors and available for purchase at the black-tie Gala and throughout the week. Your investment includes the purchase of a pre-lit tree from our inventory (ranges from $250 - $400) as well as the cost of the decorations and items you purchase to use on and under your tree; there is no additional entry fee.
Tree Sponsors may design trees to be as creative or simple as desired. It is a great opportunity to partner with a school, business, organization, or service group and work as a team to decorate a tree in this community festival. Trees may be ordered from the Festival "menu" of trees. Your bare tree will be delivered to Boise Centre and will be ready for you and your team to decorate during the Sunday and Monday prior to the Festival. Sponsors and decorators are strongly encouraged to attend a Decorating Clinic to be held in the fall.
Decorate and donate a wreath, tabletop tree or holiday décor item to the Festival of Trees. Your item will be showcased to Festival visitors and available for purchase at the black-tie Gala and throughout the week. Your investment in the decorations is your donation to the Festival of Trees; there is no additional entry fee. You will receive an admission ticket to the Festival. Please note: all items must be artificial in nature.
Special Event & Attraction Sponsorship Opportunities
We have a variety of opportunities which allow you or your organization to support the Festival of Trees in a unique and highly visible way. Here is a list of options. Please call Rachel Flachbart at 208-367-5659 to discuss the details.
- Recognition as Sponsor of the Festival of Trees Gala.
- Logo & listing in all event programs and schedule of special events.
- 20 seats at the black-tie Gala on Tuesday, November 21.
- 10 majestic aisle seats at the Fashion Show on Monday,December 2.
- Verbal recognition from the stage.
- Logo prominently displayed on the screens during the event.
- Logo on auction site.
- 20 VIP tickets to the Festival of Trees to share with family, friends, staff, clients and customers.
- Recognition as Sponsor of the Festival of Trees Fashion Show.
- Logo & listing in all event programs and schedule of special events.
- 10 seats at the black-tie Gala on Tuesday, November 26.
- 20 premier seats at the Fashion Show on December 2.
- Opportunity to select two representatives to model in the show.
- Verbal recognition from the stage.
- Logo prominently displayed on the screens during the event.
- Logo on auction site.
- 20 VIP tickets to the Festival of Trees to share with family, friends, staff, clients and customers.
- Recognition as our "Pictures with Santa" sponsor.
- Your logo on dedicated signage within the North Pole Village recognizing your sponsorship for the duration of the seven-day event.
- Logo & listing in all event programs and schedule of special events.
- 10 VIP general admission tickets to the event valid from November 27 – December 1.
- Logo on auction website
- Logo & listing in all event programs and schedule of special events.
- 10 VIP tickets to the Festival of Trees to share with family, friends, staff, clients and customers.
- Banners recognizing your partnership with the Festival of Trees to hang on the main stage on Saturday, November 30.
- Logo on ou website and recognition in our annual donor listing.
- Logo on our auction site.
- Logo and listing in all event programs and schedules of special events.
- Logo and listing in Gala Program.
- 20 VIP tickets to the Festival of Trees to share with family, friends, staff, clients and customers.
- Banners recognizing your partnership with the Festival of Trees hung in the main ballroom on the day of the event.
- Table tents with your logo on Senior Day.
- Priority to receive a donated tree (if you wish to receive one).
- Logo on our website and recognition in our annual donor listing.
- Logo & listing in all event programs and schedule of special events.
- 20 VIP tickets to the Festival of Trees to share with family, friends, staff, clients and customers.
- Banners recognizing your partnership with the Festival of Trees to hang on the main stage in the ballroom for the duration of the 7-day event.
- Logo on our website and recognition in our annual donor listing.
- Logo on our auction site.
- Logo & listing in all event programs and schedule of special events.
- 10 VIP tickets to the Festival of Trees to share with family, friends, staff, clients and customers.
- Signage in the North Pole Village recognizing your partnership with the Festival of Trees for the duration of the 7-day event.
- Logo on our website and recognition in our annual donor listing.
- Logo on our auction site.
- Logo & listing in all event programs and schedule of special events.
- 10 VIP tickets to the Festival of Trees to share with family, friends, staff, clients and customers.
- Banners recognizing your partnership with the Festival of Trees to hang above the Talking Tree in the North Pole Village for the duration of the 7-day event.
- Logo on our website and recognition in our annual donor listing.
- Logo on our auction site.
- Logo & listing in all event programs and schedule of special events.
- 10 VIP tickets to the Festival of Trees to share with family, friends, staff, clients and customers.
- Banners recognizing your partnership with the Festival of Trees to hang above the Scavenger Hunt table the duration of the 7-day event.
- Logo on our website and recognition in our annual donor listing.
- Logo on our auction site.